Utlizing VMock for resume review

VMock is an on demand resume review tool leveraging AI to deliver instant and personalized feedback that benchmarks you with your College of Engineering peers.
Our VMock platform uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to help you develop strong resume content. If you need some pointers, check out this one-pager guide.
There is a limit of 10 scans/uploads in an academic year. This includes rescore.
Need assistance working through the changes?
Drop by The Center (C108 Wilson Hall) to have a career advisor help you work through the changes.
Drop in hours 2pm-6pm Monday - Thursday
We will be closed during career events.
You can also email careers@egr.msu.edu with questions.
Additional Details on VMock
Accessing VMock
1. Log-in to VMock using your MSU email address and password.
2. Create your profile by following the prompts.
3. When you login for the first time, watch the short Welcome to VMock video to get started.
Get your resume ready to upload
We recommend using WHO Logic to help create your resume. Head over to the Get Career Help page for additional resources.
Upload your resume to VMock
Upload a PDF of your resume. (If you don’t have one, you can choose to create one within VMock using a template specific to your school or college, or explore the Get Career Help page for additional support.
Work through the feedback
After uploading your resume, you will receive line-by-line feedback and an aggregate resume score (strive for 80+) to assess the strength of your resume benchmarked against your peers. Using SMART benchmarking, VMock grades your resume in three categories, impact, presentation, and competencies.
After receiving your initial score, select “View Detailed Feedback” on the right side of the webpage for line-by-line suggestions.
Select “System Feedback” on the right side of the webpage to see your resume from the recruiter perspective.
Select “Bullet Level Feedback” to delve even deeper in the content and structure of your resume.
Use the feedback gained from VMock to make updates to your resume.